Monday, October 26, 2009

My baby is 1!!!

Kennon turned one on Saturday! I can't believe it... he is getting so big! We had his birthday party in Orlando. We had a chance to eat cupcakes, open presents and play in the pool. Kennon had a great time with his cousins and was very excited about his new big boy toys. We also reached a couple of milestones this weekend... no milk before bed (from me or otherwise-took a little convincing), NO SWADDLE!!! to sleep, car seat turned around to face forward(which led to laughs and screams of glee), and a little taste of egg (not very much appreciated). Weaning is almost complete with only the morning feeding left to drop, so we are almost there! Anyway, we had a blast and a relaxing weekend. Can't wait to leave work and help him play with his new toys!!! Enjoy the photos of his big day!


  1. He looks so old playing with all the big kids! I am getting sad already thinking about January...
